The Arcade

Welcome to the arcade
We have games here for everyone
You’ll have some fun
Laugh, sweat, cuss, cheer
And all end up the same way
Out of money, out of time
Disappointed in the end – unsatisfied
Simulated life – in 30-60-90 seconds
Pretending to drive, but not driving
Pretending to fight, but not fighting
Pretending to win, but not winning
The arcade always wins
But you don’t seem to mind
Coins and tickets
Credits and crap
You go home with their slap bracelet
And stuffed animal
They go home with your twenty-dollar bill
If you’re lucky
We like to feel lucky
We like to know that luck is still a thing
That at any moment – something could happen
Something we didn’t earn or deserve
But for us and good nevertheless
We fear failure and dream of luck
We play seriously, as if it matters
And maybe it does
After all, isn’t that why you came?
Welcome to the arcade.

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