
Welford Orrock is a fan of his incredible wife, father of his incredible daughter and son, and friend to an incredible community of churches belonging to the Baptist General Association of Virginia. Welford’s calling is to work with youth and young adults to help them discern their identity in Christ and grow as servant leaders in that identity. His passions include guiding young adults in faith formation, leadership development, missional service and critical theological thought. Growing up in a small rural church, Welford was pressed into adult leadership roles at a young age and learned early the value of empowering youth and young adults to discover their strengths and lead in their church communities.

Welford enjoys teaching and preaching in large group settings and counseling and coaching on a one-on-one basis with students and young adults. Welford has a deep love for the history, wisdom, and incredible story of faith that we inherit from the traditional church, as well as a strong sense of the new direction God is calling the church of the 21st century. In his role as the Kairos Initiative Coordinator Welford engages all of the diverse expressions of Virginia Baptist communities and helps to better network, equip and encourage their leaders for their ministries to young adults.

In his free time, Welford enjoys playing guitar, making up silly songs with his daughter Abby, crashing toy trucks with his son Walter, traveling and watching movies with his wife Becky, exploring the many different scenes through the State of Virginia, cooking, reading and hanging out with friends.